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Ziptales for Home Use

Ziptales is an online English language library, created by teachers, to advance a love of reading. It covers all levels from Nursery through to Year 6.


It is used throughout Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, the USA and South Africa.
Ziptales can boost children's reading skills in the comfort of their own home.
It is an ideal way to inspire, motivate and educate children.

Research shows the importance of parental involvement"
"There are strong indication that the most effective forms of parent involvement, are those which engage parent in working directly with the children on learning activities in the home. Programs which involve parents in reading with their children ... show particularly impressive results. It is important for parents to be aware that parent involvement supports students: learning, behaviour and attitudes, regardless of factors such as parents' income, education level, and whether or not parents are employed. That is, the involvement of parents who are well educated, well to do or have advantaged parents. All parent involvement works and works well."
(Kathleen Cotton and Karen Reed Wikelund, Parent Involvement in Education)

Parent Dashboard

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Parent Guide
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How To Use 
Our downloaded PDF to help guide you through our website and see which stories are appropriate for your children.A really helpful series of ultra short video tutorials dealing with important parts of the library.
Reading Levels
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Ziptales: The Full Guide
Read about the Ziptales 10 Stage Reading Scheme, and the readability measures used to map the library. Our essential 50 page ebook program manual.